Believe In Reality WordPress

Believers and Nonbelievers in Discussion Phil Calderone

BNB11 The Conflict Issues

Our attempt to define and prioritize the toughest issues between believers and nonbelievers–those that are most important to tackle at a societal level. These are the issues we sometimes shy away from but should not, the issues most important to confront because of  their difficulty.

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Believers and Nonbelievers in Discussion Phil Calderone

BNB17 Belief in Transition

A diverse panel of three who have changed their beliefs, from and to religion.  Ryan Connell, self-described Nomadic Secular Humanist Monk with persisting spiritual inklings. 

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Products to inspire
a kinder world.

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With Liberty and Kindness t-shirt

Make a statement with this t-shirt–more kindness please.

With Liberty and Kindness t-shirt

Make a statement with this t-shirt–more kindness please.

With Liberty and Kindness t-shirt

Make a statement with this t-shirt–more kindness please.