Social Media
We are easy to find
Spreading knowledge is no small task so we’ve made it easy to find us on whatever social media platform you use. Please Like, Follow and Subscribe on whatever site you prefer. We will find each other!
(Select image or title as link on each)

Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page has been around longest and has the largest following. This is our primary information-out site.

Our new content adds to the library of Believers and Nonbelievers in Discussion. New long and short form content upcoming. If you have to pick one site to Subscribe to, this is it.

BIR on Twitter is another of our large groups, having expanded in the last year. Quick messages, your shared info with commentary and useful memes.

Instagram is so far about the memes but original content is coming as well. Follow to help us grow.

New: TikTok
Out TikTok began as a test site for Skeptic Haven but will be all Believe In Reality as the new original content overtakes! Expect big things here including a live feed.

New: Facebook Group
This group is brand new, to be a public but safe place for us to interact. Mean folks will be blocked very quickly.

Patreon is the best place to support us but please do check out our Blue Inclusion shop also next door -->

New: Blue Inclusion
Not only does our shop help us but it has the mission of normalizing all topics of this site--progressive voting, LGBTQIA+ allyship, atheism, science and defense of reality. Use and wear these products as an influencer.

This is my personal Goodreads page to act as a bibliography for many of the books/sources I speak about. Use it as such but please say hi when you visit too! Look for the Bookshelves by catagory.
If all of the above is too much to keep track of, just bookmark my site for all these links that are fit to visit!
Store has not opened yet. Please watch this space.
Blue Inclusion Categories
- Progressive Issues
- Atheism
- Vote Blue
- Science
- Just for Fun